Over the years many
people have asked me ‘so what is a life coaching’?
Luckily and to save me always talking about my passion, the
magazines are full of articles that are in fact just that ‘Life coaching’
In a way coaching is different things to different people,
some wish to enhance their workplace skills and performance, others wish to be
able to feel and be more confident maybe address some low self-esteem feelings.
At a performance level coaching will enable you to focus,
set appropriate goals and remain motivated. At an emotional level coaching will
help you to understand yourself, your feelings and enable you to manage your
reactions to stress and negativity .Remain positive and emotionally in control,
building up an emotional resilience and plan a fulfilling happy life.
Who is likely to benefit from Coaching?
Well just about everybody who wishes to enhance their life
and make the most of this one time opportunity. Maybe it is like knowing how
the engine of your car works, or the ingredients in a recipe – if something
isn’t quite right you have a good idea of how to make it better.
I have worked with people from all walks of life; they have
come to me for a huge variety of different reasons. A young Lady wishing to
prepare herself for University interviews, a chap having just been terribly
hurt after the breakup of his relationship and wanting to not only get it right
next time, but improve himself as a potential Husband, A young Lady Doctor
experiencing massive stress in the workplace, struggling to say no and ending
up doing all of the jobs while others laughed and joked having a great time.
Work life balance, low self-esteem, lacking in
self-confidence, stress, struggling to say ‘NO’, feeling angry, fearing imposed
changes. These are all very good reasons to feel unsettled and unhappy and also
very good reasons to spend some time with a life coach.
So how is all of this done?
Generally you would start with a wheel of life, this
basically breaks life in 10 different section and encourages you to score
yourself in each section. A good place to start, because immediately you can
see the lowest scores and any connections plus this potentially would be the
areas to focus on.
Throughout your coaching it would be you who does the
thinking and planning, your Coach is a facilitator, asking questions and posing
scenarios that will make you think, finding the best answer for you from
From your wheel, I would ask you to consider ‘what would
increase your score’? Trying to be realistic and avoid saying to win the
You’ll start at this point to keep a goal sheet.
We will then start looking at your core values, this is your
personal emotional footprint – your core values if satisfied will bring you to
a happy settled place , if crossed can make you feel angry, unhappy even
Once we have established you core values, we will set about
looking at the action and activities that Honour or satisfy those values. It is
logical that if you can do more of the things that deeply satisfy your sole,
then you will be becoming a happier person. Likewise if you learn to avoid the
things that cross your core values, you will be taking control emotionally and
managing any stress or anger as a result.
We will also look at your ‘personality driver’ some people
are big pleasers, others perfectionists – our work together will help you to
understand which one of the five is your strongest at the same time the
positive points of each type and of the development areas.
Both the core values and the personality drivers will give
you thoughts and ideas to add to your goal sheet for future planning.
When you are armed with your full set of core values,
drivers and goals sheet, we will start to work with your motivation and
visualisation to be able to cement your desire to achieve your plans. Small
tasks will be set along the way to prove that you can do it, we will also
examine any beliefs that you hold that may limit your behaviour and the plans
we are putting into place .No need to have anything holding you back!!!
If this is something that you fancy embarking upon, I would
suggest that a typical coaching programme would be around six sessions, which
possible would be over a six week period one session a week. The gap in between
sessions gives you chance to work on the exercises and think about the changes
that you wish to make.
Face to face, phone or skype are the norm, however on-line
or blended learning is becoming popular, this method of coaching is via email
personalised modules plus the opportunity to ask and be asked further
To find out more please contact me on 07900197411 or by email niki@nikichalkley.com
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